Sunday 10 February 2013

Title sequences and their conventional order...

There is a typical conventional order of titles occurring in majority of films, these are:
      1. Production Company opening
      2. Production Company title
      3. Distribution Company title
      4. Director/Writer
      5. Actor 1 (Lead)
      6. Actor 2 (Lead)
      7. Film Title
      8. Actor 3
      9. Actor 4
      10. Casting
      11. Costume
      12. Music/Music supervisor


    Clearly, the list is ordered in a hierarchical way, putting the most important at the beginning (e.g. the star actors) The reason that this specific sequence exists is
    To prove that more than most famous movies safely obide by this order of titles, here are 2 different openings...
    The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo title sequence

    1. Production & Distribution companies

    2. Producer & Production company
     3. Director

    4. Actor 1 (Lead)

     5. Actor 2 (Lead)

    6. Film title

    7. Actor 3

     8. Actor 4

    9. Casting

    10. Costume

    11. Sound & Music


    However, this conventional order is not a necessity, and movies may present their opening titles in any order or form they wish. A contrasting example which creates individuality from it's titles is hit movie The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

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