Thursday 7 February 2013

Analysis of Previous Student's Film Opening

I watched some videos of previous student's film openings to gain some ideas. One I found particularly interesting was 'Inside'.

In terms of sound, I like the subtle but gripping sound they have throughout the opening. However, I think there should've been a wider range of sounds, and definitely some diagetic sounds as there was only one (the phone ringing). It made the piece a bit boring as there was not much noticeable variation in sound the constant sound made it drag out.

The camera work is very good, there are lots of different shots, like close-ups, wide shots and over-the-shoulder shots.

The mise en scene works well, there didn't really need to be a large amount of props or an outstanding wardrobe for this piece, and what they did have worked for them and went towards making the piece believable to the audience.

I think that overall, it is a good opening sequence. It was gripping and intriging, it made me want to watch a continuation. It lacked a bit of creativity and originality, but what they did was done to a high standard with little room for improvement. This standard is something that I hope my group manage to achieve in our film opening sequence.

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