Friday 1 February 2013

Research - SFX - Fake Blood

There is nothing quite as squeamish in today's cinema like a head wound - a fake head wound that is. Whether it be Bruce Willis fighting his way through Nakatomi Tower with a busted face or Ryan Gosling blasting his way through Park Plaza Hotel with a cap busted through his knee, you'll agree when I say that SFX gets better and better with modern technology. However, fake blood remains to be one of th easiest effects to extropolate today. But in order to carry out these visually striking effects,you'll need to necessitate a lot of fake blood. From experience, fake blood isn't cheap to come across, in local costume shops. To make matters worse, they don't look very realistic. I realised the easiest thing to do is make it yourself using:
  • A small cup of white corn syrup
  • Red & blue food colouring
  • Water
  • 1tbs of Corn starch
Though it permantly stained a perfectly good white shirt. This method was cheap and effective. And I'm almost adamant this special effect will be used in my group's film opening.

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