Saturday 9 February 2013

The Fugitive

The Fugitive is an American thriller film made in 1993. It stars Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones. It was directed by Andrew Davis, produced by Anne and Arnold Kopelson, and distributed by Warner Bros.

I feel that watching this triller was quite beneficial to me in gaining ideas for my own thriller opening. The main element that I found a particularly interesting element of the film was the way that the suspense was built the whole way through. This is something that I feel should happen in our work, although it will obviously have to be condensed to just an opening.

The opening of The Fugitive is a narrative opening. Narrative openings typically set the scene, introduce characters and their situations. The Fugitive gets off to a fast start, throwing the viewer in at the deep end. The action begins straight away which is effective for a thriller film because it keeps the viewer hooked from the very start and gives them no temptation to stop watching due to boredom. It allows them to get into it straight away and also leaves no wonder about what the film may be about, or if they'll like it or not. It almost forces the viewer into watching it. This is something that my group needs to achieve in our film opening; we need to hook the viewers and make it fats-paced and interesting.

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