Sunday 3 February 2013

Research - Student film opening (Stroke)

Kellie Ward
Of all the film openings on the student hall of fame, this one struck me the most, it did what any opening is supposed to do and stuck in my head. It made me sit on the edge of my seat, and gave me great insight on how to make a suspenseful and successful start to a film!

The elements that made it enjoyable were...
Sound & music set a tense, finger biting mood perfectly because of its non-continuity and deep tone. The starting and stopping made it suspenseful, so it would successfully make the audience expect something to happen, and them let them down deliberately so that they continued watching (cliffhanger).

Mise en scene is another element which made this a good opening. Firstly, the lighting is very dimmed, which gives a supernatural and depressing feel to it, suggesting that something is about to happen. Moreover, the main prop; red paint gives connotations of blood, giving hints to the rest of the film, and also standing out compared to every other aspect of mise en scene which is black and white.

Camera worked well with intimately introducing the main character by firstly using an extreme close up panning down his face to show his separate features explicitly and create emphasis.

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