Sunday 3 February 2013

Research - Hall of Fame (Student Films)

I looked at the following student film: Inside - Student Film. Though this was the only student film opening I looked at, I thought this opening was brilliant! The students used simple, yet unique film techniques to create what looked like a quality action thriller opening.
Mise-en-scene conveyed a transaction (suitcase) being held between a mysterious business man, wearing a suit and casual-clothed woman. Use of smartphones and telephones reveal that shared knowledge of the transaction is limited as well as the unknown identity of a 'middle man'.
Non-diegetic sounds (static shocks, etc.) were timed correctly with the title sequence to create plenty of tension to the film's 'shady' theme. However, I think this film missed out on lack of diegetic sound. Though this was clearly filmed in inner-city London, I didn't feel engaged with the setting.
There wasn't much special about camera, a variety of shots were used to add variation as well as highlight the opening's setting. However, there were two separate long shots of a narrow alley. I think this group may have been rewarded more marks if they were to add dolly-movement; a bit too basic.
Editing was my favourite thing about this film. The title sequence looked bold and sophisticated, matching the characteristics of the male man wearing the suit.
Overall, I feel like this film opening has showed me how simple our opening can be depending on the amount of SFX we use. Though I tend to chose quality, not quantity. It might prove more rewarding if we were to use as much SFX as possible.

First person shot  - highlight inner city London

Title sequence - non-diegetic sound (static) was used to 
create tension.

Over the head shot - enforces the variation of 
camera shots used. 

Title - Inside

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