Sunday 10 February 2013

Health & Safety - Risk Assessment

There are many risks that we have to consider before going on to film. We have to think about the environment that we will be filming in, and how it may possibly affect us negatively.

Here are some risks that we may have to face during filming:
Animals/ I have two cats in my house, one has a very unpredictable nature and vicious temperament. She could attack and harm someone whilst filming.
Robbery/ We will be walking through central London with very expensive equiptment. This could make us a target for potential theives who may be willing to do whatever it takes to obtain our equiptment; this may include harming us.
Electrocution/ Our film opening involves water, which combined with electrical equiptment can be deadly. We need to take care to not leave the equiptment around water and take care when we are filming with water.
Chemicals/ We will be filming a scene in a science lab at college that has lots of chemicals, gasses and solutions in it. We need to take care in this environment and make sure that we do not touch any potentially dangerous things.
Stairs/ There are quite a lot of stairs in my house so we must take care when walking up and down them as we could easily trip; especially with the large, heavy equiptment we will be carrying.

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