Thursday 28 March 2013

Evaluation 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

We attracted our audience with the name of the film; Pathogen as it is short, snappy and catchy and we felt that this would make it attractive to a teenage/young-adult audience.

We also used mise en scene to attract our audience. The clothes that the main character wore were just normal, average pyjamas that a regular teenager/young-adult watching the film would likely wear. This makes the film feel 'normal' and makes the audience feel like they can identify with it and feel like it mirrors their own lives, which would make it appealing to them. The same goes for our location; it is a normal London house, not a gigantic Hollywood mansion that many of our viewers would not be able to identify with.

The main character (who was the only character in our opening) was a normal English teenager, much like our audience would be. Again, they would be able to identify with her normal life, making the storyline more shocking when she collapses due to the very abnormal water she drinks.

Our rough-cut feedback helped us to improve our film in order to give it better appeal to our intended audience. As a lot of the people who gave us feedback were representative of our target audience (English teenagers/young-adults), it was particularly helpful because they gave us feedback on what they would like to see and what would appeal to them. Their feedback was extremely valuable information and we took it all on board and added some improvements to our final cut of our thriller opening.

We have reached our audience through word of mouth because I feel that there is nothing more valuable than that; if you are recommended something by a friend, you are much more likely to try it out than if you were told to by a pushy advertisement or Facebook page. Word of mouth makes the advertising personal, and friends know what other friends like and so a recommendation makes all the difference. Also, I feel that this is the best way to specifically target our audience because if there is one thing teens and young-adults all collectively like to do, it's talk. Teens and young-adults talk all the time about everything and so films are often the topic of conversation with this age-group, and talking spreads like wild-fire.

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