Monday 25 March 2013

Evaluation 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our media product uses forms and conventions of real media products in terms of the conventions of film openings. Film openings usually follow set conventions. They usually have either a) a narrative opening, b) a discrete opening, or c) titles over blank screen.

Narrative openings set the scene and introduce the characters and their situations. Discrete openings are when the openings are like separate films within themselves. Titles over blank screen is when the sequence begins with a blank screen which has a title on it. Our film opening is a narrative opening in which we introduce the main character and her situation.

Our media product also challenges forms and conventions of real media products because of the way the story is so strongly embedded into the opening; more than usual film openings. A whole chunk of the storyline is in the opening, not just a tiny snippet of it like in most narrative openings.

Our media product also uses forms and conventions of real media products in terms of title sequences. Title sequences usually follow a set conventional order. This usually starts with the production company ident and the distribution company ident, and ends with the writer and director's names. Our media product follows this conventional order of titles. We begin with our production company ident, and end with or director's name. However, we also challenge the convention of film titles because instead of the usual two actors names, we only have one.

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