Thursday 28 March 2013

Q7 - Evaluation

Progression from prelim to full product.


PRELIM - As we had very little experience, we didn't carry out much efficient planning for our prelim. Although we did create a digital storyboard, it only consisted of simple shot types and made no reference to the actual happenings.

We did not apply a mood board to our prelim.

THRILLER - We created a fully annotated digital storyboard for the thriller, including exact camera shots, angles, order or shots, and location to ensure that we prepared for successful filming.

During the first steps of planning the film opening, we created a mood board with suggestions of thriller sub-genres, plots, and representations


Mise en scene was something that we didnt focus on with the PRELIM, the environment barely set the plot of a Doctor's office, because there were no props or costume to present this. The only thing that showed the audience the plot was character's speech. 

(Made with Final Cut Pro)

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