Sunday 3 March 2013

Planning - Title Sequences

For composing a title sequence, I thought I'd make affairs easier for my opening and take inspiration from 2 different student films. I looked at the following student film: Inside - Student Film, the other week. I thought the title sequence was bold, but sophisticated, matching the characteristics of the male man wearing the suit. If we were to add titles matching Cara's state of mind; sloppy and distorted, then this'll be a brilliant technique and make up for a lack of innovation in terms of editing. However, I feel the transitions between titles were a bit fast. Personally, I'd like to highlight the pace of our opening and make them slower. 

Having just watched the opening for the film Stroke, I was really impressed! Despite being more of a horror, it's everything we're looking for in an opening - a slow, shady fonts which worked well with the music and so forth. However, I think the titles were a bit too small and hard to take note to, at times. I thought the blood splatters were a great effect and I hope we can pull off something similar like this. Overall, I feel well informed about title sequences - the dos and don'ts of them, as well as what I'd prefer to see on the opening, myself. But, not knowing Final Cut well enough, I can only brace myself for an editing session in lesson. 

Title opening for student film - Inside

Title opening for other student film and my personal favourite -  Stroke

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