Thursday 28 March 2013

Evaluation - Q6

Question 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For this question, I created a power-point presentation and uploaded it onto slide-share which will allow me to embed my video. I got in-depth at technology used and whether or not our production has been a successful process.

Q6 from aa57304

If there's the possibility that that the slide isn't working, here's the written transcript for the powerpoint. 
Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product

Production - For our film opening, we used the following programs: Final Cut Pro to piece together all of our filmed footage, Soundtrack Pro to create non-diegetic music used, throughout our opening, and Motion to create an ident for our fictional distribution company, 'DAK Pictures'. Personally  I took the role of editing our footage. It was a though job considering the standard we were trying to achieve. However, none of this would have been possible without the technology used. They all seem to function well together making life somewhat, easier. This power-point goes in-depth to the type of technology used and how well they worked together.

The type of technology used -
- JVC Camera - Of course, without this camera, we would've been unable to film. Though, the focus wheel was tough to pay attention to at time, it was really simple to use.
- SD Cards - Used to store our footage filmed, the SD cards provided safe-assurance and a second card slot on the camera incise the first ran out of space.
- iMac - With the RAM and capability of this powerful desktop, our film wouldn't have been achievable  Containing programs such as Final Cut Pro, Soundtrack Pro and Motion, we were able to piece together our sequence with ease.
- Video Drive - Using this big bulk of silver, we were able to store all our final-cut footage as well as pre-lim bloopers, sound-loops/samples, camera archives and so fourth.
All the progress from our research, planning, filming, editing and evaluation was stored on Blogger. The friendly website allowed us to record all our progress as well as incorporate an assortment of multi-media make it look hi-tech and what not.

Example of technologies used:
- Final Cut Pro: We were able to import all the footage filmed from the JVC, piece it together in a linear sequence, trim clips, add transitions and video effects as well as insert a title sequence there was mix of template to use from. All progress could be saved onto the Hard-drive-disk and the final-cut could be exported as an MPEG4 and uploaded on Blogger.
- Soundtrack Pro: This allowed our to compose our own soundtrack using an assortment of samples and mixes. After a beat/sound was created. We added it into our footage on Final Cut Pro where we able to trim the sound according to the type of picture, on-screen.
- Motion: Being an 'fictional' distribution company, we were able to create an ident using Motion. Using this, we composed the title where we experimented with transitions and movements. We were able to add this to the beginning of our opening on Final Cut Pro and make it look that bit more professional!

Conclusion - Overall, it was a fun, fully-beneficial experience. Not only did I learn how to use an assortment of equipment, and programmes. I enjoyed every part of the production process. Personally, my favourite part of the production was using Final Cut Pro, because it felt rewarding combing all my experience and newly found abilities (Soundtrack Pro, Motion, Camera footage) into a linear sequence. Furthermore, I can see myself using all this technology in the future, perhaps as part of a full-time profession. However, I think I’d give blogging a miss! Though, it was vitally important to record all steps of my production, it felt difficult to maintain at times.

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