Thursday 28 March 2013

Evaluation 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Representation is a very big part of film and TV. Different groups are represented in different ways with different messages brought across. In our thriller opening there isn't really a strong example of representation, however, you could say that our thriller represents the general population of the UK as it is set in the UK and shows the vulnerability of people regular, un-vaccinated who come into contact with a water-borne disease.

We have represented the general population of the UK in a positive way; the NHS staff were helpful and efficient and there was a voice-over of a man who was very worried about his mother; this shows the caring attitudes of many people of the UK.

We did have an idea that didn;t make it into the final cut; we were going to show a conversation between government officials who were trying to cover up the disease and accept no responsibility for it. This represents the elite of the UK in a negative light and represents the distrust that many regular people of the UK have for them and is reminiscent of what we often see in real media (e.g. on the news, internet and in newspapers).

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