Monday 14 January 2013

Research - Genre and Sub-genre

The method in the filmmaking which bases ideas on similarities in narrative elements from which films are constructed. For example a horror uses generic convections of the inevitable foreshadow of death. This separates horror from other films, initially making it unique.
Genre is important for the film maker/producers as this allows them clear investment opportunities. This makes film-making easier - range of generic elements to be included.

A sub-genre is like the subdivisions of an encompassing term. Looking at current genres such as action, comedy & thrillers and thinking narrower. For example, some might watch a drama and see it as a romantic drama. Not your typical action drama.

As our group are yet to create the opening of a Thriller film. I think the most subtitle sub-genre to film would be Conspiracy. I believe it creates optimum suspense without giving away too much of the story. As well as match the theme/conventions we're aiming to get a high grade on. When researching conspiracy films. I looked specifically at Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Identity for inspiration. I think the opening was perfectly curated as closed techniques were used to mask protagonist Jason Bourne's identity. Initially creating mystery as to why his body with was left in the river. Though mystery's a convention  associated with conspiracy. Some may argue as the mystery's that mystery's a separate sub-genre. I feel it may be beneficial for the group to merge two both conspiracy & mystery sub-genres together. Although this may be challenging. It'll prove extremely rewarding providing we stick to the true conventions of an award winning thriller piece.

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