Thursday 31 January 2013

Film Audiences

Different genres of films have different target audiences that they cater for. The audience for thriller films depends on which type of thriller the film is.

Crime thrillers:

Crime thrillers tend to attract more mature audiences (usually women, 30+), as older people enjoy piecing things together and figuring things out, whereas younger audiences often don't have the patience or attention span to.



Psychological thrillers:

The target audience for psychological thrillers is usually 18+. Psychological thrillers tend to be quite dark and get quite deep, and people under the age of 18 may not be mature enough to handle the strong themes they include.



Romantic thrillers:
Romantic thrillers tend to be targeted mainly at females from a young age to mature women (7-50+). This is because of the romance storylines they entail, and whether a thriller or not, the romance genre tends to appeal to women.



Supernatural thrillers:
Because of the supernatural, often scary themes, supernatural thrillers usually appeal mostly to teenagers and young people (13-26). A lot of teenagers love scary thrills and want to watch something that will shock them. Supernatural thrillers are often watched in groups of friends as teenagers find the aspect of scaring eachother appealing.

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