Thursday 6 December 2012

Shot Type Research

Shot Type Research

Extreme close up
This focuses on specific features and is often used for exaggeration, to intensify emotion and emphasise certain features.
 Wide shot
A wide shot is used to set the plot as it is landscape and shows the setting/environment.
 High angle foot shot
We chose to use this shot as it illustrates movement well. We thought that it was an interesting way to take a picture of feet because it tilts towards the direction the feet are heading.
Point of view shot
 We chose to use a point of view shot in this picture to involve the audience by showing perspective and unity between different people.
 Rule of thirds
We believe this shot is successful as the eyes are placed in the top third of the shot and there is no head-room.
 Over the shoulder shot
This shot works well with conversation and shows the relationship between two people.
 Long shot
This shows the person in their surroundings but doesn't focus too specifically on the surroundings.
This picture was successful, however we understand that window shots due to the light are not the best because of the exposure to the camera.

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