Monday 10 December 2012

Making of Collateral (Remake)

This was the first shot of our opening - Kelly (Character A)'s walking down a stair case. We filmed this shot in three different views. I believe this opening scene was successful.

Towards the end our scene. Anthony was filming a close-up of Kelly (Character A) and Deborah (Character B) as they engage in conversation. This scene was difficult as the group tried extremely hard to keep continuity consistent. There was also an extreme close-up of the two bags and both character's hands as they picked up the bags. 

Another shot - The first take of Kelly and Deborah's conversation, a shot reverse shot was used to capture both character's facial emotion as well as speech.  

Anthony putting the camera onto the tripod. There was a lot of fiddling to do as it was hard to get a straight shot because of the shape and density of the plaza's floor. Despite this, filming was successful which resulted in a good opening.

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