Monday 3 December 2012

Opening of Trainspotting

I watched the opening sequence of Trainspotting. I noticed many things that made it a good opening to a thriller film.

SFX: Text is used to introduce the characters with their nicknames which correspond to the personalities of the characters and consequently gives us an idea of their character qualities. This means that as soon as we see the opening, we already feel like we know the characters and it immerses us in the film. This immersion is a common quality of thriller films, as the audience needs to be caught up in the goings on in order to make a connection with it and therefore be affected by the events that happen later on.

SOUNDS: The non-diagetic music that plays in the opening sequence is fast paced to set the feeling of anxiety and leaves the audience feeling uneasy - another typical thriller film element.
The monologue from the main character gives us an insight into the film and its storyline, drawing the viewers in.

EDITING: The cross-cutting between shots in very faced paced, and matches the music. It makes us feel as if we have to pay attention or we'll miss something and gives us a reason to continue watching. this again, is a common thriller film component.

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