Sunday 3 February 2013

Research & Practice - Arlington Road

Our version of Arlington Road


We were given clips from Arlington Road in the wrong order and our task was to put the clips together in the order we thought was best. After that, we had to put in the title sequences in order and also create foley sounds for the clip.

Creating the foley sounds was difficult because we knew what sounds we wanted to put in but found it hard to make them sound realistic. For example for the footsteps we decided to knock on a door but we had to do it in a specific way for it to actually sound like footsteps. Also keeping it in time with the clip was hard for example from 0:59 - 1:02 he starts to walk fast and it was hard to keep up but we eventually did it right.

Overall, since we were given the clips without sound we had to put a soundtrack in the background and we realised how important the background sound/music was because it sets the mood for the scene and familiarises the audience with the genre of the film.

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